Nguyễn Đặng Anh Dũng
Đinh Trần Thanh Hoàng l Nguyễn Thị Anh Thư l Nguyễn Văn Trung
l Trần Tuấn Kiệt I Vũ Thị Mỹ Duyên
Furniture by Decox
Photo : Dũng Huỳnh
Ngoc Tham Jewelry (NTJ) is one of the few Vietnamese enterprises manufacturing and trading precious metals from raw materials to finished products.
The corporation's personnel — the force behind (in the dark) — is the raw material in the operational process, bringing the finished product to the customers (into the light).
Design is the process of linking and recreating the path from the DARKNESS full of inner strength to the sparkling LIGHT of NTJ.
The advantage of a long frontage spanning four adjacent shophouses is maximized through glass doors and partitions. Additionally, the removal of walls between units invites customers from the bustling shopping street outside into the spacious, open showroom inside.
Instead of the typical layout seen in traditional jewelry shops, where sellers and buyers are separated by cabinets and counters, the display counters here are arranged throughout the space, offering a free and comfortable experience for customers to access the products.
Curves—the most fundamental design language in gold craftsmanship—are reflected in the lines of the furniture, creating a softer flow throughout the space and emphasized by the overlapping wave patterns in the main display area.
A harmonious staircase system connecting the ground floor and the first floor, serves as a metaphor for NTJ’s journey of legacy and continuity across generations.